Unitronics Hardware Activation
What is Unitronics Hardware Activation?
Hardware Activation registers a UniStream controller and any connected Uni-I/O modules with Unitronics.
Hardware Activation registers a UniStream controller and any connected Uni-I/O modules with Unitronics. During the activation process, the serial numbers of the controller and any physically connected Uni-I/O modules are sent to Unitronics, along with the activation date.
Hardware Activation is carried out automatically by UniLogic when you download an application from UniLogic, if the Uni-I/O modules in the application match the Uni-I/O modules physically connected to the controller.
Activation is voluntary.
What data is sent to Unitronics during Hardware Activation?
During the activation process, the serial numbers of the controller and any physically connected Uni-I/O modules are sent to Unitronics, along with the activation date.
How do I activate my hardware?
The process is very simple – download the application from UniLogic when the Uni-I/O in the application match the Uni-I/O modules physically connected to the controller. This activates the hardware; no further action is required.
In cases where you download the application via USB (memory stick), you can voluntarily carry out Hardware Activation via alternative methods; details regarding these methods are given in the next section.
Alternative Hardware Activation Methods
There are two alternative methods:
- Activation via HMI panel – if the controller is connected to the internet
- Activation via HMI panel + Mobile App – if the controller is not connected to the internet
In both methods, you can begin in either of the following ways:
Option 1
If the HMI screen is displaying the Activation Required screen, you can press the Activate button.
Note that this screen pops up periodically during the 750 hour period.

Option 2
Open UniApps, an information system embedded in the controller:
- Press the upper right corner of the HMI Panel until the UniApps popup menu appears.
- Select System> Activation Status, and the press Start Activation

From this point, the activation process depends on whether or not your controller is connected to the Internet.
My controller is connected to the Internet
In this is the case, after you press the Activate button, your controller will display the Activating screen for a few seconds, and the Activation Complete screen when the process is successfully completed.

If your controller has access to an Internet connection, but cannot connect to the activation server, check the following:
- Enter UniApps->Network->Ethernet->IP Config
- In Panel IP settings, enter the correct IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.
- Press the DNS Config tab, and enter the correct settings
Note: Connection to the activation server is not possible behind a proxy server

If Activation fails, the next screen offers options for Retry and Mobile.
• Retry
You can press How To Connect for tips on fixing the connection, and then press Retry
• Mobile
You can install Unitronics Mobile Activation App, then use this app to scan QR codes displayed on the HMI screen. The app will issue an Activation Code, which you enter into the HMI screen.
To begin using this method, press Mobile.

Activation via Mobile
Follow the instructions below in order to perform Hardware Activation via mobile.
Before you begin, note that the phone must support either Android or iOS apps, and must already be installed with a QR reader app.
1. After you press Mobile in the previous screen, the next screen enables you to download the Unitronics Hardware Activation app.
2. Open the QR reader application on your cell phone, and scan in the appropriate code for your app store.

3. After you have downloaded the app, open it; the app’s Start screen displays.
4. Press the Start button; the app’s QR scanner opens.

5. On the controller’s HMI screen, press the Start using Mobile button.

6. A screen opens, showing a QR code that is generated by the controller.
This code contains the hardware data that the app will send to Unitronics servers.
7. Using the Unitronics Hardware Activation app, scan in the code.
8. On the HMI screen, press Finish; the HMI displays the Enter Activation Code screen.

9. The app will automatically attempt to send the data to the server to receive an activation code.
If your cell phone is out of reach of your cellular network, the app will continue searching until it can reach it and send the data; do not close the app. Closing the app will delete the data; you will have to rescan it.
10. When the app displays the activation code, enter it on the HMI screen and press Activate.

When Activation is complete, you can view the Activation details, via UniAppps>System> Activation Status.